LAAAMP Brochure
A 24-page brochure entitled “Advanced Light Sources and Crystallography: Tools of Discovery and Innovation” (Version 2) is available here for downloading.This version is available in English, French, Spanish, Arabic and Portuguese.
The LAAAMP brochure is aimed at explaining light sources and crystallography to a large general audience: the general public, ministers and legislators responsible for funding science and technology facilities, university professors and high school science teachers and their students.
Comments and suggestions are welcomed and should be sent directly to Ernie Malamud, Editor.
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LAAAMP Brochure, Version 2 |
LAAAMP Brochure, Version 2 |
LAAAMP Brochure, Version 2 |
LAAAMP Brochure, Version 2 |
LAAAMP Brochure, Version 2 |

Advanced Light Sources and Crystallography: Tools of Discovery and Innovation by LAAAMP is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at
Ernie Malamud, Scientist Emeritus, Fermilab; University of Nevada, Reno
Hitoshi Abe, Institute of Materials Structure Science, KEK, Japan
Yasser Al Ghraoui, International Atomic Energy Agency, Austria
Chas Andre, Chief Technology Officer, Depixus, France and UK
Miguel A. Garcia Aranda, Scientific Director, ALBA, Spain
John Baglin, International Union of Materials Research Societies
Grant Barnes, Editor (retired), Stanford University Press
Isabelle Boscaro, Head of Communications, Diamond Light Source, UK
Alan Cooper, The Open University (retired), UK
Jean-Michel Daubourg, Architect, Paris, France
Dmitri Denisov, Distinguished Scientist, Fermilab
Olivia Diaz, Director Emeritus, SciTech Hands-on Museum, Aurora, Illinois
Maria do Rosário Pereira
Zhe Duan, High Energy Photon Source, China
Hester Esna du Plessis, Manager X-ray and Synchrotron Group Technology, Sasol
Tutti Johansson Falk, Head of Communications, MAX IV Laboratory, Lund University, Sweden
Hussam Khartabil, International Atomic Energy Agency, Austria
Rick Fenner, Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Aiveen Finn, Scientific Communications Manager, Diamond Light Source, UK
Mehdi Gebs, International Atomic Energy Agency
José Gonçalves Marques, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa
Andrea Lausi, Scientific Director, SESAME;
Bruce Malamud, Department of Geography, Kings College, London, UK
Bruce McKeller, President, IUPAP
Brian McMahon, Editorial Office, IUCr, Chester, UK
Connie McNeely, George Mason University
Ed Mitchell, Head of Business Development, ESRF, France
Brian Masara, South African Institute of Physics, South Africa
Sekazi Mtingwa, Principal Partner, TriSEED Consultants, USA
Luciana Noronha, Communications Department, Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory, Brazil
Özgül Öztürk,, Chair, LAAAMP Middle East User Committee; Chair, SESAME User Committee
Nuno Pessoa Barradas, International Atomic Energy Agency
Qing Qin, Director, High Energy Photon Source, China
Sandro Scandolo, Head, Scientific Programmes and Outreach, ICTP, Italy
Qun Shen, Deputy Director for Science, NSLS-II, USA
Peter Strickland, Executive Managing Editor, IUCr
Ian Swainson, Physics Section, International Atomic Energy Agency, Austria
Adriana J. Wawrzyniak, Machine Deputy Director, Solaris, Poland
Herman Winick, Professor Emeritus, Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource, USA
Lawrence Woolf, President, General Atomics Science Education Foundation
Ada Yonath, Weizmann Institute of Science; 2009 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Michele Zema, Executive Outreach Officer, IUCr, Chester, UK
Editor’s note: Many people are contributing to the creation of the LAAAMP brochure. More are welcome. If interested, please contact the Editor at The brochure will evolve through several editions as feedback is received and as versions in other languages are produced.